How can I transfer my Dialpad license to a different user?

Transferring Dialpad Licenses: A Quick Guide. Need to move a Dialpad license to a new user? Don't sweat it! Follow these simple steps to ensure a seamless transition:

1. Go to
2. Click on Users on the left side under Office
3. Find the user, and on the far right click on Options
4. Select Edit Email Address and enter the email address of the person you're transferring the license to


Remember to inform the new user to update their Personal Settings as the previous license owner's details will still reflect for the new user. You won't want your name to appear incorrectly to other Dialpad team members!


Update Personal Settings

1. Go to

Personalise your Dialpad details and settings!


If you get stuck, or need more assistance Concierge Support customers may call us at 0480 006 411. 


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