Voice Quality Issues

Are you experiencing call drops, distorted voice over phone, or choppiness? Perform some easy to do diagnostics.

Issues with voice performance over Dialpad or any internet reliant phone systems can be due to many factors such as:


  • Performance, bandwidth, or speed of your internet service
  • Firewalls or using a VPN where certain ports are blocked or restricted


Performing diagnostics will help the Untangled After Care Support team resolve your call issues if the Tech Support Expert is provided with results from the 3 tests below.


Speed Test

Perform the speed test found here: https://dialpad.com/system

  • If the test shows degraded service on your internet, you will need to speak to your internet service provider, or upgrade the bandwidth of your internet
  • After the test completes and you see no issues with the performance of your internet, attach the screenshot to your ticket to support@untangledict.com.au

Network and System Requirements Test

This will require an installation, it is important that you are able to complete this. http://nmt.ubervoip.net/myspeed/dialpadbot.html

  • Note the animation you will see does not mean the test is starting, it will download a file.
  • Click on bcs_service.exe and that will load the Dialpad Network Assessment Test
  • Then Click to Start test and Enter Your Name
  • After the test completes, click on the last tab (with the traffic lights) and attach the screenshot to your ticket to support@untangledict.com.au


Your screenshot should look similar to the below


Here is an example of a Network Assessment Test showing points of failure causing jitter or packet loss due to a firewall or security setting on a user's desktop:



Security and Firewall Test

This diagnostics test checks the network firewall to ensure that the ports used for a high-quality encrypted media are available for use by Dialpad. If the results show that ports are blocked, you will need to speak to your network and security administrator to allow the ports for Dialpad.


Here is an example of a Security and Firewall Test where it indicates a firewall is causing the degradation on voice quality over Dialpad Phone Calls. As, Untangled does not manage your Firwall and Security infrastructure, you will need to speak to your administrator.



Complete this test, http://nmt.ubervoip.net/myspeed/dialpadportscan.html


Routers and Ports

If ports need to be unblocked. You'll want to make sure your router/gateway has the SIP ALG disabled and that you've opened the following ports on your firewall:


Protocol Ports Direction
TCP 80/443 Out
TCP 6800/5222/5223/7060 Out
UDP 5060/5061/7060/11000/16600 to 16998/19305 Out
UDP stun.l.google.com/19302 UDP outbound
"" "" UDP bidirectional
UDP 16384 to 32768 Out


You can also restrict outbound traffic to the following domains:



What are these ports used for?

80/443: WebSockets to communicate with our servers
6800/5222/5223/7060: Outbound calls
5060/5061/7060/11000/16600 to 16998/19305: Outbound calls
stun.l.google.com/19302: ICE protocol to determine public address
16384 to 32768: Only open these if your network doesn't use D-NAT


Usually, there's no need to turn on QoS on your router unless you have a large network with several thousand employees.


If the results show no firewall or no security settings are restricted on your network, please attach the screenshot from this test as the 3rd attachment to your email to support@untangledict.com.au Alternatively, speak to an Untangled After Care Support Expert via 02 7252 5454.